2021/06/24 – 25 Cdo 1271/2021 (summary)

Article 5(3) of the Regulation (EC) No 261/2004, compensation paid by the operating air carrier, extraordinary circumstance 

2021/04/13 – 30 Cdo 1926/2020 (summary)

Article 26 (1) of the Brussels I bis Regulation, contesting international jurisdiction 

2021/03/16 – 15 Tdo 110/2021 (summary)

legal classification of the attempted theft, state of emergency 

2020/12/09 – 5 Tdo 1231/2020 (summary)

Regulation (EC) No. 6/2002, Community designs, “repair” clause 

2020/06/10 – 30 Cdo 4315/2019 (summary)

state liability, Art. 6 (1) of the European Convention on Human Rights, non-material damage, delays within administrative proceedings 

2020/05/26 – 30 Cdo 2084/2019 (summary)

international jurisdiction of a court, Art. 17 of Brussels I bis Regulation, activity “directed to” the Member State of the consumer’s domicile 

2019/11/27 – 25 Cdo 348/2019 (summary)

indirect discrimination, freedom of religion, expression of faith by visible symbols 

2019/08/28 – 27 Cdo 4352/2017 (summary)

Unjust enrichment, international jurisdiction, breach of duties by the member of the board of directors 

2019/07/17 – 5 Tdo 513/2019 (summary)

Breach of copyright law, lawful acquisition of a copy of a work protected by copyright 

2019/06/26 – 30 Cdo 3378/2018 (summary)

obligation to refer a question for the preliminary ruling, court of last instance, EU Law